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Llantwit Major School Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr

Healthy Schools Award


 ‘Llantwit Major school have been successful in achieving the prestigious Welsh Network of Healthy Schools Scheme National Quality Award (NQA) back in 2012. The school is still one of only 5 Vale schools that have achieved the award and to this date, the only secondary school. The award reflected the tremendous effort the school has made to promote health not only to its pupils, but also staff, parents/carers and the whole school community. The school was subsequently re-accredited for the award in 2014 and in April this year were re-accredited for a second time. The school continues to demonstrate a high level of commitment to a whole school approach to health, including the development of a Wellbeing desk, very strong pupil voice, promotion of healthy eating and sport and recent work with the new build on site.  Well done to all for your continuing work!!’     

Christine Farr, Public Health Wales.